What Is Proxy Voting?

As shareholders in publicly traded companies, clients have the right to vote on high-level governance matters raised at company annual meetings. The voting process ensures that stakeholders are involved in decision-making and have a voice in shaping the future of a company.

How Does Proxy Voting Work?

In advance of its annual meeting, each company issues shareholders a proxy statement and corresponding ballot, which must be submitted by a stated deadline. The proxy statement summarizes each proposal to be voted on at the meeting, including the election of board members, approval of executive compensation plans, and environmental, social, and governance proposals put forth by activist investors.

Why Does Proxy Voting Matter?

Proxy voting gives social investors a powerful tool to pressure corporations to act more responsibly. While Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations constrain the scope of the proposals that activist shareholders can put on the proxy ballot, social investors have been successful in winning majority votes on a range of issues. While these votes are non-binding, they send a strong message to corporate boards and executive teams about how their shareholders want the company to act.

Clean Yield and Proxy Voting

Our Approach

We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients’ best interests and values are reflected in their proxy ballots. Clean Yield’s custom set of proxy voting guidelines aligns with the social, environmental, and governance screening criteria we apply in our investment process. We also partner with a leading corporate governance service provider to help evaluate corporate governance proposals put forth by company management to execute the votes on our clients’ behalf.


Engaging Clients in Proxy Voting
As a Tool for Social Change
Season Timeline and Process

Proxy Voting in the Clean Yield Portfolio

Clean Yield has built a legacy of proxy voting. The following examples illustrate our commitment to clients and investments that move us toward a more just and sustainable society.

Examples of Clean Yield Proxy Voting

River flowing in the forest shown from an aerial view

2022 Proxy Season Wrap-up: Stubborn Optimism

September 9, 2022

Stubborn optimism needs to motivate you daily; you always need to bear in mind why you feel the future is…

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2021 Proxy Season Wrap-up

September 16, 2021

It’s been a year. Between a race reckoning, a global pandemic, an attack on the U.S. Capitol and the core…

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2019 Proxy Season Wrap-Up: Drawdown, Discrimination, and Drug Prices

October 2, 2019

We’re always interested in new and action-oriented ideas. One source of inspiration last year was Project Drawdown by Paul Hawken.…

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